Having an infectious disease epidemiology (MSPH) and emergency medicine (MD) background, and having some sense of the terrible things this pesky virus can do, I am about as far towards the “we need to stop COVID”, “COVID is a serious issue”, “I don’t want myself or anyone else to get COVID", etc. side of things as one can reasonably get. I realize that COVID and what to do about it are contentious issues, but, if you know me, that hardly stops me from doing what I believe is right to help provide hopefully useful information to people that might help. Realize that this is one person’s opinion on the internet, not professional medical advice, so take it with a grain of salt, keep your wits about you, talk with your healthcare provider, and, as they say, do your own research.

I have become very frustrated in particular by many friends on the spiritual path getting COVID on retreats and at meditation centers, often to their profound detriment, including to their meditation practice and abilities, so have made this video with Sam Sabra with help from Melissa to help empower people to be safer.

Here is additional information to accompany that video that may be helpful. I am generally not much of a product endorsement guy, and none of these products links are sponsored, nor do they know I am promoting them.

This was posted August 31, 2024, and the pandemic is evolving, so any and all of this might be out of date by the time you see it.

  • Other Notes:

    • Almost all ear loops and bifold masks don’t provide adequate protection based on independent testing regardless of their ratings because they don’t seal as well as N95 or P100 that require head straps